Internal Medicine Office in Georgetown, South Carolina
120 Orange Street
Georgetown, South Carolina 29440
120 Orange Street
Georgetown, South Carolina 29440
My name is Terry Reardon MD. My wife Debby and I have a primary care practice in Georgetown. This is a single physician practice. By maintaining a small practice, we hope to be accessible. I offer doctor appointments, coordination of care, and the full spectrum of primary care medical services. My practice provides a level of access and availability for primary care medical services that benefits not only the individual patient, but the family as well. My practice model supplements health insurance and provides benefits designed to provide primary care services in an effective and efficient manner.
At this time we have only limited availability for new patients. The few available new patient spots are 3-4 weeks out. Call or text for details and availability.
Wellness and Preventive Medicine
High Blood Pressure
We accept Medicare, Blue Cross, United, Cigna, and Humana. Please call today.
Phone 843.360.2776
Fax: 877.905.5374
120 Orange Street, Georgetown, South Carolina 29440, United States
Monday 9AM -12 noon
Tuesday 10AM - 4PM
Thursday 9AM-12 noon
Friday 10AM-4PM
Labs drawn Tues morning: 8:30 AM -9:30 AM and
Thurs morning: 9:30 AM -10:30 AM
No appointment needed.
Terry Reardon MD PC